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Set Apart

Updated: Jul 30, 2019

Recently, I came across this quote from Lynne Hammond that really spoke to my heart...

"Distractions and busyness will organize God right out of your life and give you more of an appreciation for the world than for God's presence and God's power."

As we spend more time in prayer, the Word of God and worship, our ability to see and hear becomes very sharp. Many times, the enemy will bring distractions to keep us busy so that we miss the most essential thing in our life...our time with God. Sometimes we can be dull and reactive to life instead of proactive because we haven't given enough time for spiritual things. If we give more time to the things of God, we will be ahead of the enemy's plans and strategies to steal, kill and destroy the plans and purpose of God in our life.

The Apostle Paul talked about carnality in Romans Chapter 8. There are some TV shows, movies, conversations and places you need to steer away from to guard your time and the anointing on your life. There are even some things that mimic 'light' that you should avoid because it is a counterfeit for the true light which is Christ. I think one of the biggest deceptions of the enemy is that we can live our lives playing in carnal things and still have an anointing on our life. It's a trick of the enemy to believe that we can oscillate between carnal and spiritual things and still be effective in the kingdom of God. Some may think that prayer, faith, meditating the Word, confessing the Word, pleading the blood, using your authority as a believer, holiness and being set apart from darkness is a bit much and it doesn't take all of that. This is far from the truth. We need to be operating in all of these things to walk in total victory over the enemy.

"For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on and seek those things which gratify the [Holy] Spirit." Romans 8:5 (AMPC)

I often think about Samson in the Bible and how his anointing was in his hair. For a period of time, the enemy wasn't able to gain mastery over him because he housed and guarded the power of God on his life until he met Delilah. Delilah weakened his defenses and tampered with the most precious thing in his life...God's presence and power. The power of God was no longer on his life, and he discovered it publicly, not privately.

"She said, The Philistines are upon you, Samson! And he awoke out of his sleep and said, I will go out as I have time after time and shake myself free. For Samson did not know that the Lord had departed from him. But the Philistines laid hold of him, bored out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza and bound him with [two] bronze fetters; and he ground at the mill in the prison." Judges 16:20-21 (AMPC)

Isn't it interesting that the enemy will always ensure that there is always a crowd to witness the downfall he started cultivating in your life privately? Who or what is the Delilah in your life? Deal with it now and get free...the spirit of Delilah comes to take everything you have. Make a decision that the enemy cannot have your life. God loves you and has a plan for you that is greater than any plan of the enemy!

Be intentional in making more time for God and no time for carnal, fleshly things that are anti-Christ or anti-anointing. How much time are you making for God? How much time are you spending in prayer? How much time are you studying scriptures? Give Him more room in your'll see more of Him in everything you do. You'll be ahead of the enemy. Light will come in areas that may now seem dark. You'll start seeing and hearing instructions for the next thing God wants to do in your life.

It's time to be set apart to Christ and His Word. You've come too far to let the devil trick and maneuver you out of what Jesus has given you...His Presence, His Power, His Word, and His Victory!


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